Length: 4000 – 4,500 м
Duration of hiking – 5 hours
Altitude a.s.l. ‒ from 1260 to 2061m
Trail is marked. Marking colors: two horizontal white stripes with a green or blue one in the middle. Blue indicates steep, short trail. Green indicates gradual, long trail.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla is the highest mountain peak and the highest point of Ukraine. Thousands of people climb this mountain every year.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain is located on the border between the Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpatska regions. The nature discovery trail to Hoverla goes through the protected area of the Carpathian National Nature Park. Slopes of this mountain are of great value as it is home for many rare as well as endemic and relict plants. You can find about 700 species of high vascular plants here, 43 of them have been entered into the Red Data Book of Ukraine. Climbing to Hoverla is not a relaxing walk, since climbing so high requires much effort.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
The route begins near the checkpoint of Hoverla Nature-Protection and Scientific-Research Department in the Zavoella Massif and passes through the forest road close to the Prut River.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
All forests here contain fir and spruce trees. There are also some beech and sycamore. Mixed forests follow visitors up to the altitude 1100m a.s.l.. There is a brown trout fishing farm on the right.On the left side of the road you can see the premises of the Geographical Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hiking upwards through the steep path, you can reach the sport base "Zaroslyak". This is the base of the Ukrainian National Sport Team.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Then you will enter into the spruce forest. The age of some trees ranges from 200 to 300 years and their height is approximately 30 m.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Due to increased altitude, the forest becomes sparser and trees are not found above 1400 – 1450 м a.s.l.).
Hoverla Mountain Trail
At the foot of the mountain the Prut River begins. It’s the left tributary of the Danube River: the biggest river of Western Europe.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
At the altitude of 1800m above sea level, the Alpine and Subalpine meadows begin.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Finally, you can reach the peak of Hoverla Mountain, the highest peak of the Ukrainian Carpathians.
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
Hoverla Mountain Trail
From its top, there is a beautiful view upon the Chornohora mountain ridge.
Nearby attractions:
Rudiak Oligotrophic Mountain Swamp
Don’t forget to adhere to regulations of personal safety. DO NOT:
1. step off the trail
2. damage or remove natural objects, including picking flowers and gathering firewood
3. make a fire outside designated areas
4. smoke
5. disturb or harm wildlife
6. fish
7. carry firearms
8. litter
According to safety regulations all tourist must be registered at the rescue service office
Rescue Service:
(03434) 4-11-49;
067 342 04 95.
Working hours:
May – October: from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
- Adults 30,00 UAH
- Children 15,00 UAH
Visitor fees are used to:
- improve the infrastructure of trails and rest areas
- produce information boards and signs
- produce printed materials and maps
- waste removal
- salaries for park staff who maintain the national park and trails
You can reach the checkpoint from Yaremche using:
• a bus: route Yaremche – Verkhovyna. Go to 6-the kilometer road marker in Vorokhta (turn right to Zarosliak sign) and then walk straight 4 km to the checkpoint. To reach Zarosliak sport base walk additional 8 km or take a taxi.
• a bus to Vorokhta bus station and then a taxi to sport resort Zarosliak.
Begin your hike no later than noon.
Have a nice time!!!